Psychological support for students affected by conflict in Yemen

The project aims to promote psychosocial support and integrate them in host communities and creating opportunities for positive communication among students and revival of sports activities in target schools which stopped due to the conflict and the inability of the education office to activate this sector.

The project targeted 168 students males and females from secondary schools who are affected by the conflict, 50% are displaced, have been involved in sports competitions )football for males and chess for females).

Project impact

Reducing the psychological tensions of displaced students and integrated them with other students in targeted schools and in host communities ,in addition to help them to move away from tension and violence and encourage them to learn and sport exercise daily.

A group of students especially the displaced people, were suffering from depression, vacuum and tendencies to violence due to the difficult situation caused by the war,  where the school activities in the education sector stopped. this project was a wonderful opportunity for youth to improve their psychological and social status whether male or female and also the participants or the audience who attended to follow up and encourage sports competitions among young people.

The project had effect in change discussion topics in the environment of participating schools, from discussion on conflict and sectarian issues to discussion on topics of sports and encouraging students to peacefully compete through the sports tournament.

Revival school sports activities in schools after a long stop because of the conflict.

Increase positive communication among students through exercise of sport activities   even after the end of the project

Period of project : 14/11/2017 Until 30/01/2018


Watch a video reportage about the project’s activities